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  • ACTION ALERT: Powder House Blvd Traffic Safety Plan Office Hours (#2)

ACTION ALERT: Powder House Blvd Traffic Safety Plan Office Hours (#2)

ACTION ALERT: Powder House Blvd Traffic Safety Plan Office Hours

Somerville YIMBY

Tonight, 6–8pm, and Thursday April 25, 6–8pm, at West Somerville Neighborhood School

Powder House Blvd. Traffic Safety Plan Office Hours

We’d like to highlight a series of office hours meetings being held this evening 6–8pm, and on a subsequent evening, about the Powder House Boulevard Traffic Safety Plan.

Powder House Blvd. is the subject of an ongoing three-part plan to increase safety by making the street more pedestrian and bike friendly. The most recent pedestrian fatality at Hardan Rd. only serves to highlight the need for these efforts.

Illustration of proposed changes to Powerhouse at Rt. 16

Relation to Clarendon Hill Redevelopment

In addition to the safety and usability improvements that the plan provides, it also covers changes to the intersection of Powder House and Route 16, which will further enable the redevelopment of Clarendon Hill.

You can see an illustration of the changes in the image above, copied from the current plan PDF.

This is a vital piece to the redevelopment of this housing, and we encourage you to come out and share your feedback at one of these office hours sessions.