Housing is like marshmallow fluff

(A little bit)

Some of the most common arguments about housing comes down to the mistaken belief that there can’t possibly be enough for everyone. We are, metaphorically, arguing over the last jar of marshmallow fluff and forgetting that it’s possible to just make more.

In other words, just like sweet, delicious marshmallow fluff, housing abundance is possible. It’s also better for your teeth.

Join us for ongoing discussion of how we can achieve it on our messageboard and live chat server at any time. If you don’t have access, reply to this message and we’ll send you an invitation right away!

Upcoming Somerville YIMBY Events

Saturday, Sept 21: Somerville YIMBY hosts a table at the Fluff Festival, 2-6 pm in Union Square. We’ll have maps of current and possible future zoning rules that we think could help spur the creation of housing and make it possible for more of our neighbors to live nearby and share delightfully Somerville festivals like this one.

(If you can volunteer to help us hand out flyers and chat with community members, please sign up in the Discourse thread here . If you can’t commit, you can also drop in as your schedule permits).

Friday, Oct 4: Somerville YIMBY Monthly Social, Remnant Brewing. In-person, 6-8 pm.

Wednesday, Oct 9: Somerville YIMBY Monthly Meeting. Online via Zoom, 6-7 pm.

Upcoming City Events

Fall 2024 Ward Meetings: Somerville officials will host in-person meet & greets in different parts of the city from September 18–October 21. Find yours today and take the opportunity to chat with your city councilors and the mayor about what matters to you.

September 18: Zoning Board of Appeals. If you know why this one’s important, you know. If you don’t, check out the (lengthy) agenda. Online at 6:00 pm.

September 24: 241 Willow Avenue Community Meeting: Should someone else be allowed to have a slightly larger porch? City law entitles you to weigh in!

September 25: Elm/Beacon Connector: City outreach meeting to discuss new plans for bike lanes and improved street safety along Beacon Street, Elm Street, and Mossland Street. Online from 6 to 7:30 pm.

October 3: Land Use Committee: 6:30 pm. Agenda TBA, check calendar for details.

Be sure to check our Google calendar for a more extensive list of events.

Recommended Reading

In Somerville, Triple-Deckers are Mounting a Comeback: The Boston Business Journal covers some recent zoning successes (free link if you’re not a subscriber).

Massachusetts' Future Depends On Our Ability To Break Down Barriers To Infill Development: Jonathan Berk explains the importance of housing growth in places like Somerville.

Of Course a Rolling ‘Idaho Stop’ Is Safer for Cyclists. Here’s Why: Outside Magazine explains the latest controversy in bike safety.

Our next book club book will be Politics Is for Power — exact date and time TBA.