March 2020 Update

We're in Boston Magazine, a big win in Newton, and upcoming meetings

Somerville YIMBY

March 2020 News & Events

Somerville YIMBY in Boston Magazine

Looks like we're gaining influence. Steering Committee member Jeff Byrnes

was quoted in


Congratulations to Our Friends in Newton

Congratulations to the voters of Newton and our friends at Engine Six, who have successfully defeated a referendum to overturn city council's approval of homes and jobs near transit.The Globe has details, noting that the approved "development

consists of 800 apartments, including 120 affordable units; 180,000 square feet of office space; 115,000 square feet of retail and community space; and 10 acres of open space. Northland agreed to provide school and other local improvements, a shuttle to the Newton Highlands MBTA stop, and a traffic management plan."This is how homes get built: neighbors organize to welcome new neighbors to their community.

Upcoming Community Meetings

Davis Square: Ward 6 councilor Lance Davis has called a public meeting for March 9th to share information on a proposed 4 story, 22 residential building with ground floor commercial space at 371 Highland Ave - that's the garage next to the laundromat. The developer, Christos Pavlidis (the trustee of J&C Realty Trust), attorney Richard Di Girolamo and architects from Khalsa Design will present the proposed redevelopment and be available to answer questions. That's on Monday, March 9, 6:00 pm at the First Church Somerville UCC 89 College Ave.Green Line Extension: GLX Constructors

is hosting a series of informational meetings throughout the area. The next one will be on Tuesday, March 10, 6:00 pm, at the Multicultural Arts Center, 41 Second St, East Cambridge.


Redevelopment of Clarendon Public Housing (aka North St. housing): The development team of POAH/SCC/Redgate have managed to put together a financing model to move this much-delayed project forward. We expect that it will be on the agenda for the March 11 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, which has not yet been published. If you want to help us support deeply affordable public housing, keep an eye on this page.For background on the project, visit the Clarendon Hill Housing Re-development site.