Safe Streets Now Rally!

Safe Streets Now Rally!

Somerville YIMBY

Join Us September 17

On August 12th, Somerville lost another community member to traffic violence. 

While the City has promised to take action, they have put forth no clear or immediate timeline to improve our streetscape and make it safe for people walking, rolling, and riding bikes. City leadership must do more, and quickly. We will not accept one more death on our streets.

On Saturday, September 17th at 10am, we are holding a rally at Seven Hills Park to demand action now. Together with Somerville Alliance for Safe Streets, Somerville Bike Safety, Cambridge Bicycle Safety, and others, we are calling on the Mayor and City Council to pass a Safe Streets Ordinance immediately. This Ordinance would follow in the footsteps of Cambridge’s Cycling Safety Ordinance, by requiring the City to install safety improvements for non-car travelers on any street undergoing construction. It should require the City to commit to a timeline for the completion of the proposed Bike Network and a remedy to decades of noncompliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The best time to have done this was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. We know our City can do better, and we refuse to sit on our hands while our neighbors die preventable deaths. 

Please join us on September 17 – and invite five of your friends and neighbors!