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  • Tonight at the planning board: Somernova, the YMCA, and Gilman Square

Tonight at the planning board: Somernova, the YMCA, and Gilman Square

This is a big one

Tonight is a busy one! City Council’s Land Use Committee has a joint meeting with the Planning Board, and the agenda features more than a few important items. We encourage you to attend and, if possible, speak up on these issues. It’s at 6:30, and it’s online so you can tune in without having to go all the way to City Hall.

The three biggest items are proposals for Somernova, an apartment building on Pearl Street, and redeveloping the YMCA at 95 Highland.


The newest version of the Somernova rezoning proposal — greater height and more allowable uses on the Properzi Way campus in exchange for a negotiated community benefits agreement (CBA) — is perhaps the largest agenda item. Somerville YIMBY has watched the evolving proposal carefully. With the addition of 100 new homes to the plan, we’re glad to speak up in support. The other benefits of a more expansive development include public space, increased arts space, a youth center, traffic mitigation, and more. We encourage you to voice your support for the project as well.

Pearl Street

Tony Barros, a Boston-based builder, is asking to increase the allowable height from four to six stories on several parcels along Pearl Street so he can build apartments. The location — in the heart of Gilman Square and just steps from the T— is perfect for new homes, but opponents argue it will cause all kinds of negative impacts. We have recently seen the Planning Board scuttle other plans for housing in the neighborhood, so public support will be critical to getting anything built here.


The YMCA is proposing to redevelop their 95 Highland Ave facility and a couple of other parcels, so they can refresh their aging facilities and add affordable housing. This is a pretty obvious win from a beloved local institution, but it could still benefit from your support.


The city recently released an updated draft of the Brickbottom Neighborhood Plan and tonight’s meeting will discuss an interim planning overlay district for the area to govern development in the area until the plan is finalized.

We’ve only just started reading the updated draft plan. So far, we are encouraged to see the city anticipate 40% of the development area used for housing, but disappointed to see a proposed maximum height of four stories around the East Somerville station on the Green Line. We would rather see the city plan for high-rise construction near the station and six stories within walking distance. We don’t anticipate that specific topic being up for discussion tonight, but will be in touch with updates and action opportunities in the near future.

Please join us this evening to support the creation of badly needed housing in our community.