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  • Tonight's Land Use Committe Meeting- and more housing events

Tonight's Land Use Committe Meeting- and more housing events

Tonight's Land Use Committe Meeting- and more housing events

Somerville YIMBY

Tonight at 6:30, the City Council's

to discuss how Somerville will comply with the MBTA Communities Law. Despite some worrying comments during the runup to this process, we're pleased to see that the city is looking to do more than the bare minimum of complying with the law, and will actually enact some meaningful reforms.

Most importantly, they'll be there to discuss increasing allowable building types and density in our Neighborhood Residence districts, and at long last remove the prohibition on more than four unrelated people living in a single household. Yes, that includes legalizing triple deckers!

Now, triple deckers alone won't solve our housing crisis. But it's a great step in the right direction, we're thrilled to see it coming up for discussion, and we hope to see it enacted promptly.

Other Upcoming Events

Union Square Neighborhood Council and Councilor JT Scott sponsor a meeting to discuss community goals for the SomerNova development along Tyler Street by the Market Basket. In-person at Somerville Crossfit, 35 Prospect St.

Boston Indicators and the Boston Foundation present their latest report on Boston's zoning history, "Exclusionary By Design." Online via Zoom.

Globe Spotlight on Housing

The Boston Globe has started a

that's well worth a read. If you don't have a Globe subscription, you can get free access online through the
