Union Square announcement 8/12/19

Union Square D2 Block at the Planning Board this Wednesday

Somerville YIMBY

Just a quick note for this week: US2, the developers behind the Union Square development project, will be presenting some updates to their current proposals, which they feel will help to address some neighborhood concerns. This is about the D2 block, the big empty lot at the corner of Somerville Ave and Prospect Street.

They say the changes include:

  • New façade articulation along the east side that breaks the mid-rise portion of the project into two distinct but adjacent buildings

  • A jog in one building that makes it more distinct from the other and shows off the corners a little more

  • A change in façade design that further differentiates the two buildings and creates a stronger connection between the south portion of the mid-rise and the tower

They'll be presenting this to the Planning Board on Wednesday August 14 at 6:00 pm at City Hall. If you can, please attend. If you can't, drop a note to [email protected] to let them know what you think.

We don't have a strong opinion about these changes, but we're in favor of getting some shovels in the ground. Remember, every month of delay is another month we have a vacant lot instead of neighbors. That's annoying for everyone, but it's especially hard on all the square's small businesses, and we are really looking forward to getting this project properly underway.

Best,Somerville YIMBY